The nation of Haiti is experiencing a horrible nightmare right now. Chaos rules. People and even governments were unprepared. Think about your life at this moment. If something like this happened in your community would you be able to fend for yourself? Would you be able to care of you and yours?
I have been blessed to discover a blog called Safely Gathered in. To view this site, click here. The focus of "Safely Gathered In" is helping average folks prepare for the worst. There are printables for 72 hours emergency kits, food storage options, and other resources. I can't fully endorse everything, but they have some wonderful pointers toward emergency preparedness.
I can take care of me, but I can also give to those who don't have the resources I do. Because of my coupons and smart shopping, I was able to donate from the overflow to help the people of Haiti. I sent lots of supplies to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to be added to health kits for the Haitian people.
In this time of tragedy, we should be giving to those who need it most. However, we should not overlook the fact that a situation like that in Haiti could happen at any moment anywhere. There are tangible steps we each can take to prepare for whatever may come.
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